Tailor-made offers

Growth strategy

  • Positioning
  • Market study
  • Growth roadmaps
  • Customer journey re-engeneering
  • Market, cat, ref, business plans
  • External acquisition due dill
  • Post merger integration plan

Scaling for growth

  • Steering the executive committee
  • Chasing growth opportunities
  • Building a robust digital platform
  • Upgrading key business functions & operations
  • Fixing the organization
  • Steering the growth program
  • Monitoring the growth KPIs
  • Enhancing the people

Omnichannel customer service

  • Client relationship diagnosis
  • Client service organisation
  • Client service sizing
  • Client service make or buy
  • Client service center build-up
  • Client service outsourcing
  • Client service 360 optimisation
  • Client relationship trainings

Lead generation

  • Offline & online partnerships
  • Offline lead generation
  • SEO, SEA

Growth tools

  • IT architecture & Datalake
  • AI for sales & client service
  • ERP & CRM
  • Comercial & client service tools
  • Digital channels

Omnichannel sales

  • Sales effectiveness diagnosis
  • Sales department organisation
  • Sales rep 360 optimisation
  • Salesforce make or buy
  • Telesales centers build-up
  • Telesales outsourcing
  • Telsesales 360 optimisation
  • eCommerce diagnosis
  • eCommerce 360 optimisation